After 12 best Career


The best career.

My career choice is Art, and I am ambitious, ambitious, ambitious. With that confidence, I am proud to call myself a Beauty Writer.

How do I define my career?

My career goals

My dream job

My way of discovering self

Looking at myself, there is no clarity when it comes to career development.

My past career records show that I made short statements about my career. The lists of “dream job” and “make it in life” in my mind are mostly from reading or studying literature. I always liked to use the words like “will I make it” and other open-ended phrases. The “surprise” and the “that will happen” are part of my thinking pattern.

I thought that my job history as a photographer is not bad. In fact, I loved photographing. I did three job situations like the owners of magazines, magazine photographers, children’s photographers, and ghost photographers for a local magazine. However, the design of my career would contradict in three years as I went back to my job for the Sun Valley Valley’s newspaper. Being a writer took a long time. I worked as a reporter in a newspaper. I was a freelance copy writer. My hard part was editing copy. I hadn’t taken pictures in close to a decade, and it was a great challenge for me. Writing other people’s stories also showed me a different side of myself. I was not good with words, but it was my passion. My writing skills are still in the shadow of editing copy.


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As I continued to learn and perfect the art of words, I took the European Cultural Institute workshops in fine art direction, lighting, and editing. I learned more in 3 years than all the years I had spent pursuing photography in college. Editing copy is becoming a craft in my future. My editing skills are as good as an editor. Writing in the first person and writing features articles also comes naturally to me. I first moved into the art field when I decided to have a brain brain. I began to do my journalism when I first applied for the cosmetics and beauty editor’s position. It is so far below my original course. I never received my first application for the position, but I worked on the whole recruitment campaign in the editorial department of Rodarte Haute Couture. It is a paid internship for a marketing campaign. It was a great piece of work and I was glad to contribute to Rodarte’s COVID-19 related marketing campaign by being a guest editor in the Make-up magazine. The good work was my first introduction to Rodarte’s editorial ethos and Rodarte.

I know that now I am successful and at the top of my career. I now know how to write and edit the content in the editorial to give my clients the best marketing campaign of the cosmetic industry. I am working as an Editorial Intern with a brand called Rodarte Haute Couture. We are working on the campaigns of the new launch, the collection, but also on our reputation in the makeup industry. Rodarte is considered the best brand in the makeup industry and we are working on the theory of the global cosmetic, cosmetic aids, and marketing as well as my articles.


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This internship is also helping me to learn the creation of the advertising copy for the global cosmetic industry. I understand more about quality marketing and how advertising should work. I now understand why designers have the big budgets for their campaigns. It is true that I had jobs that I liked, but I am currently working to advance my skills to better find my professional path. I had the opportunity to attend an online creative program, experience editing, taking care of the dress code and applying my creative skills. The essay topics included: YouTube content, Adobe Photoshop, Google Chrome, design tips, blogs, handwriting, graphic design, logo-making, home decor, and design. I definitely was able to get some experience in that program and then that led me to the courses and the internship for Rodarte Haute Couture.

My talent and my focus are the main reasons why I have the big money in my hands now. On the other hand, I had to learn to bring my talents to life. There was a time when my skill was not obvious. It became more apparent as I learn more. My job of marketing presented new opportunities

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to develop my skills. The promotion of this internship as well as the online curriculum introduced me to different subjects. My time in my internship is thus promising. My career as a makeup artist has begun to become sustainable and stable.